

英 [endəʊ'dɒntɪk]
美 [endoʊ'dɒntɪk]


  • adj.


  • 英英释义

    endodontic[ ,endəu'dɔntik ]

    • adj.of or relating to or involving or practicing endodontics

      "an endodontic specialist"



    Endodontic Applications of Cone-Beam Volumetric Tomography
    Disinfection by endodontic irrigants and dressings of experimentally infected dentinal tubules
    Cyclic fatigue testing of nickel-titanium endodontic instruments * **
    Pathogenesis of apical periodontitis and the causes of endodontic failures.
    Healing of periapical lesions of pulpless teeth after endodontic treatment with controlled asepsis
    Microbiologic analysis of teeth with failed endodontic treatment and the outcome of conservative re-treatment
    A preliminary scanning electron microscopic study of root canals after endodontic procedures
    Influence of infection at time of root filling on the outcome of endodontic treatment of apical periodontitis
    The potential applications of cone beam computed tomography in the management of endodontic problems
    Influence of infection at the time of root filling on the outcome of endodontic treatment of teeth with apical periodontitis